Thursday, June 17, 2021

Keep Fighting the Good Fight

A Christian thought to ponder ....

As the woke mob and cancel culture invades our country, it takes root within our churches, our military, our schools, our government, and businesses, it's main aim is to cancel God and to cancel Christianity. However, Christians know that God cannot be canceled. He is sovereign and all-powerful and is the Creator of all things. God is bigger than the woke mob, He is bigger than CRT, and He is bigger than any corrupt government. 

To be sure, the radical left is blind to God's Truth, and the radical left wants to replace God with a Marxist totalitarian one-world government. Power corrupts people, and the people running our country have rejected God. Everything that is happening and occurring today is prophetic. The antichrist's spirit is running amok in the world and causing chaos and division everywhere, and it is trying to silence Christian voices. We must refuse to be silenced and canceled. 

In Olive Tree Ministries' newest video, we learn from author David Fiorazo about how the left is canceling Christianity and censoring and silencing churches. His latest book, Canceling Christianity, informs us about the epic battle we are facing and how to keep fighting the good fight and stand up for the Truth. 

The Christian soldier is always ready for battle to share the Truth. However, many Christians are no longer placing the armor of God on, and they are not prepared for the spiritual battle that is unfolding. Many Christians have become too focused on themselves or have become apostate. We must be united and speak the Truth, be alert of wolves causing division within our churches and spewing lies, and keep fighting the good fight. 

1 Timothy 6:12
"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 

Pray you all have a blessed week!
In Christ,
Carol Moore

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