Thursday, September 4, 2014

Loving and Forgiving

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Loving and Forgiving

A Christian thought to ponder ...
How hard is it for you to break the chains of anger, bitterness and hatred?

How hard it is for us to forgive and love one another. And yet Jesus showed us time and time again love and forgiveness. Even when he hung on the cross, you did not hear words of bitterness or hatred escape from his lips, but only love, compassion and mercy, for he said in Luke 23:34, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Why is it so hard for us to do the same? Let go of the enemy's plague of doubts, fears, anger, bitterness, hatred, and embrace one another with love and forgiveness. We should feel the warmth of our Heavenly Father's love overflowing within us towards others. Loving and forgiving one another is one of the hardest and biggest challenge's in life. It certainly is one of the biggest challenge's in my life. I have learned you have to lay all that bitterness, anger, and hatred into the hands of our Heavenly Father. Relying on Him, is the only way to bring you closer to being truly like Him. Right now, this very moment, call that person you have been angry at - a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, or a friend and tell them that you forgive them and that you love them. Break those chains of bondage and be set free.

Please help us to be more like You.
Give us hearts that are set on fire and blazing with love and forgiveness.
Help us to reach others who are chained to hatred, bitterness, anger, filled with pain and help us to unleash the poison that swells within their hearts and souls so that they may experience Your overwhelming love .
Father we love you so much.
Thank you for your kindness, compassion, love and mercy you showed us all at the Cross. For we are truly undeserving.

Love and Blessings!