Giving Labels
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I am so thankful God does not nail labels on us as we tend to tack on each other in this world. Labels such as that person is a democrat, or that person is a republican, or that person is an alcoholic, or that person is a rapist, or that person is a murderer, or that person is woke, or that person is retarded, or that person is racist, or that person is a transphobe. Labeling people is something I am very guilty of and try to abstain from, but none of us can say we do not label people. Everyone is guilty of labeling one another, and this world is full of labels.
I like one of the Urban Dictionary’s meaning of a label, obviously from a teenager, and it is not exactly the appropriate word choices or tone I would have used. However, the definition is clear, “pointless words (emo, goth, skater, preppy, poser, etc.) used to stereotype people because of what they wear or what music they listen to. Most people who label others have NO idea what they are talking about, in fact anyone who labels people are narrowminded ******** who have nothing better to do.”
As one can see, some labels can be very demeaning and very hurtful. Labels tend to stereotype and target people. The media is extremely influential at pushing labels onto people. It is no wonder people from jail or prison have such a hard time adjusting back into society when they get out as the media and people are so eager to place labels on them, showing little compassion or forgiveness. The people in this world would rather throw stones at “those kind of people” even if they have accepted Jesus into their life as their savior. What makes it even harder for them is the enemy is bombarding them from all sides. The enemy hopes they will fall back into their previous lifestyle and give up all hope. The world hates them for their sins or ideology. How many of you would sit next to someone at church if you knew that person had murdered someone? Yet, just days ago, they accepted Jesus Christ into their life. I know Jesus would sit next to them. Would you let the label convince you to turn your back on them, condemn them, and judge them? Too many churches out there do not show acceptance and the love of Christ. And too many people in this world are focused on the things that hurt, offend, scare, or anger us. Labels are the focus when it should be Jesus Christ.
A passage in the Bible comes to my mind... A young woman was brought to Jesus by the Pharisees. The Pharisees had charged her with committing adultery. The law clearly stated that she should be stoned to death for her sin. They ask Jesus what should be done to the woman? His reply was, "he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." Jesus did not condemn her but forgave her and told her to GO and SIN NO MORE. The Pharisees labeled this woman as an adulteress. They were blind to what Jesus was trying to teach them – that we are all equal in sin. We are all sinners, but God gave everyone a chance to be redeemed through his son Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross for ALL of us, not just some of us. We each have the free will to accept him in our life or not. So do not be ashamed of your past sins nor feel you are not worthy. Ignore those who label you and take heart, for Jesus is your rock, and he will help you weather ALL storms.
Jesus commanded us to love one another, not persecute, judge or label one another but to LOVE. As He states in John 13:34, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
I hope you
all have a blessed week!