When Christians Feel Like Outsiders
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Have you ever been amongst a group of Christians who know the Word, are gifted at speaking about the Word, and are on fire about the Word? They explode with such zeal and passion for the Lord, and they get so caught up in their conversation that they exclude you from their conversation.
As you sit amongst the group and listen to the conversation, you begin to feel like an outsider. It is not that you do not have a heart for the Lord, you just have not reached their maturity in the Word, and you have not discovered your gifts yet.
You try to contribute here or there in conversation, but they are so wrapped up in their conversation that they ignore anything you have to say. This exclusion is making you feel more and more like an outsider. At this point, you want to leave. You feel like you do not belong, and you are an intruder. And as you start to think and feel you are an outsider, you begin to feel disconnected and alone. The enemy begins to whisper in your ear and fogs up your head with a wall of doubts. Doubts such as why are you here? You do not belong in this group. These people live and breathe for God. They know the Word inside and out, and you do not. The enemy continues to plague you with attacks of doubt, bringing you further down into his world of darkness, down into his dark, gloomy pits. You begin to think you are a fruitless tree, a bramble amongst the roses, a goat amongst the sheep, a building stone full of cracks unable to support the foundation, unable to achieve or be like this select group of people. So you leave torn and afflicted with the seeds of doubt the enemy has planted within your heart and mind. The enemy did his job well. He used this group of people to bring you down. He has managed to isolate you and knock you down. The enemy wants you to turn your back on God. He wants you to give up on praying and seeking God daily. He wants to see an end to anything and everything related to God. The enemy’s greatest joy is bringing us down into the deep, dark, miry depths in which he resides. But just when you are sinking as if you were in quicksand, the Lord pushes his hand through those dark, sandy depths, and pulls you up into the light.
I have felt like an outsider many times. I have observed others in a group grow quiet and withdrawn. I know I do not have the head knowledge as others do. I have to write down everything as my memory is not that great. I do not speak well either unless the Holy Spirit leads me to do so. I am a listener and an observer. I show my zeal for the Lord through my writings, prayer, and trying to serve Him wherever He leads me. One must never give up hope in our Lord. He would never want us to feel alone, disconnected, and an outsider. Just as many of us feel like outsiders, isolated and alone, so did Jesus amongst his own people who chanted, “Crucify him.” They scoffed at him. The Romans mocked Jesus, spitted at him, and beat him unmercifully. He faced the cross alone. Jesus was betrayed even by one of his own disciples. Another disciple even denied that he ever knew him, and the rest of his disciples fled in fear.
Just as it states in John 18:36, Jesus disciples would have stood by him. They would not have abandoned him. But just as this earthly kingdom was not Jesus', neither is it our home. Our home is with Jesus, in his kingdom.
John 18:36 (KJV) “…My kingdom is not of this world: If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”
Just like Jesus, in this world, we will be plagued with trials and struggles to test our faith. We must endure. We must not turn our backs on God and let the enemy win. We must encourage, protect, care for, and support one another. We should not exclude one another. And we need to be ever watchful, for the enemy is lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce on any one of us, like a lion pouncing on its prey, and bring us down.
So when you feel like an outsider, alone, disconnected from other Christians, think of the cross and the dear sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. God has a specific purpose for every one of us, and we hold a special place within his heart. He loves us so much; and he will not allow us to settle in the enemy's hands. He holds our hearts in His hands, protected by His warm, loving, everlasting light.
Just as it states in Matthew 28:20, He is always with us. He will show us the way, protect us, and provide us peace and comfort in our greatest need.
Matthew 28:20 “…And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
O' Lord, you know each and every one of our hearts. You know all the emotions and struggles we battle through each day. Help us to lean on You and seek You in times of doubt and uncertainity. Inspire and encourage us to connect with sisters and brothers in Christ who are sitting alone, whose hearts maybe hurting, and who may be feeling isolated and alone. Help us to encourage and build each other up and not tear each other down. Please protect us from the enemy’s arrows of doubts, loneliness, and disconnection. Where others are on fire for the Word, may their joy and zeal infect each of us and burn a hope and desire within our own hearts. Let not this zeal and joy be used as a weapon by the enemy.
I ask this
in Jesus’ name.
Love and
Blessings to you all!