Please Take
Me Home Lord
The enemy
despises me.
He hates me.
The enemy
does not want me to be even present within Your great halls.
There is little
comfort or compassion found within the enemy's halls,
only hateful
penetrating eyes hidden behind masks
and ever
changing chameleons’ visible only to Your eyes.
I yearn for
Your company.
I yearn for
Your friendship.
I yearn for
Your kindness.
I yearn for
Your love.
For there is
none other,
none greater,
than You O’LORD.
Please take
me home.
The enemy want's us to believe we are a hindrance to the people we love in this world.
The enemy wants our past sins to drag others down to the enemy’s gates.
The enemy wants our sins to keep others from blooming with Your glorious truth.
There are so many who are blind and innocent they do not see the enemy reaping about.
Please take
me home.
For there is
no other place I rather be than with You oh LORD
This world despairs
The enemy
attacks me silently
All seems
hopeless without You LORD.
Please take
me home.
For my home
is not of this world,
my home is
with You.
For you are
the light that shines ever so brightly,
that dries
my tears away.
You are my
You are my
inspiring hope.
You are the
radiant truth.
You are my Savior.
Please take
me home.