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A Christian thought to ponder ...
Is the church family like a marriage?
A church family is a group of believers or followers of Jesus Christ who are members of God’s household. God is our Father, and we are His children. We are brothers and sisters united in Christ and that union binds us together and makes us a family in the Lord. And as Hebrews 10:24-25 states, the church family meets together to worship God and exercises unconditional love, encouragement, and good deeds towards one another.
Hebrews 10:24-25
24 And let us consider
how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up
meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one
another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
The church is a body of imperfect people with different nationalities, personalities, and backgrounds. It is a gathering of sinners who are saved by grace. The church family is there for one another through the good times and bad times. Pretty much like when one states in their wedding vows, “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,” you are pledging a commitment to your church family during the good times and bad times.
There are many reasons why people will walk away from their church family just like when a couple gets a divorce. Most reasons are centered around unsatisfied needs. A few of those reasons are their feelings get hurt, they don’t get their way about something, they do not handle correction well, there are not enough programs, the worship music is terrible, the pastor’s sermons are too long, or they don’t feel a connection.
By the way, many times when you don’t feel a connection with your church family, it is because you don’t get involved or plugged in. There are several ways you can get involved with your church family, such as send a sister or brother in Christ an encouragement card or text message, help out with a meal train for a sick church family member, help with childcare or nursery, pray for the church and church family members, disciple, and shepherd one another, attend a Bible study or group Bible study, and serve within the church body. Get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ, then you can say this is where I belong, and this is my church family, and always keep God at the center.
However, when a church doesn't keep God at the center, steps away from sound doctrine, becomes politicized, and is following the world’s agenda, you need to take a step back and look at that church and determine if it is following scripture. After Covid, many people went back to their church only to discover that it had completely transformed. Their church was no longer concerned with spiritual Truth but was now concerned with advancing a world agenda.
If you see unsound doctrine within your church family, you need to point it out and back it up with scripture. If you see something lacking within your church body, then you need to step up and serve or approach the elders and pastor about your concern. My question to you is, if not you, then who? Perhaps God has appointed you to this task.
One day all believers will be united. It will be a great family reunion! Newborns, children, teenagers, adults, elderly, disabled, and family members you did not know you even had will one day be with the Lord forever. Differences of opinions, disappointments, confusion, and emotional pain will no longer exist. It’s going to be a time that we can’t even imagine. It will be a glorious day!
Heavenly Father,
We live in a fallen and broken world that is full of snares and traps that try to bring down the church and your family members. Please give the church and its family members the strength to endure and overcome obstacles. Cover them with your strength, Lord! Help the church and church families to grow spiritually and have a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Help the church and families to love one another and walk in forgiveness and kindness.
In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.
Pray you all have a blessed day!
Carol Moore